Magnetfirm believes Integrity and ethics is the most important part of the business which will contribute to sustainability sooner or later.

Magnetfirm believes Integrity and ethics is the most important part of the business which will contribute to sustainability sooner or later.

As the global economy boost and black swan comes up accidentally like COVID-19, we saw lots of big giants fell due to the shortage of integrity and ethics, such as Luckin and Enron, to name but two. Authentic leadership requires Code covers key ethical principles and governs how Magnetfirm employees and contractors should conduct business. More specific day-to-day procedures are outlined in Magnetfirm’s policies and procedures. The company’s senior management is tasked by the Board of Directors to ensure that this Code and the company’s corporate policies control the company’s activities. Everyone at Magnetfirm must understand the legal and ethical requirements that apply to their business and areas of responsibility.

The Code is not capable of covering every situation that Magnetfirm personnel may encounter but our bottom line is that, at all times, Magnetfirm expects you to conduct business in a manner that reflects favourably upon both the company and you. If you are ever unsure whether an act is ethical.



Code of conduct

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